GIVEAWAY ft SixteenR

Salam, Good morning Beautiful readers!
   I've reached 3MILLION views on Youtube just the other day. You guys have no idea how happy i was, i started my channel back in February 2011 and it's grown so much and I've met so much amazing people from it all and i love doing it so much. So as a Thank you to All my subscribers and viewers I've teamed up with SixteenR to do a giveaway. In case you didn't already know SixteenR is an online store that sells their own unique statement scarves, it is for anyone whether you wear it just around your neck or your head. Their philosophy is that the scarf is a tool of empowerment. Nancy the designer and founder of SixteenR was so sweet enough to send me a scarf and one to a lucky follower of mine :D

This was the scarf she picked out for me and i love it! It's a glow in the dark headphone scarf, you have to expose it to light for a bit and then it glows in the dark personally i think that's pretty cool and i travel back from uni when its dark so this would work well :)

So i know you all love giveaways and this one is actually really simple all you have to go like their FB page and like my page Also i'll be posting one of these photos on facebook and you need to comment below the image telling me what and why you like their scarves. That simple if you don't have a facebook account you cannot enter or you could just make one. Good luck Beauts! <3 

 Shop at :
Nabiilabee x

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